Pollachi , Pollachi, 642001
(₹58 Lacs 50 Thousands )
(₹26 Lacs )
Total price : (5,850,000 )
Schedule a visit or give us a call
Malavalli, Tirumakudal - Narsipur, 571430
Gauribidanur, Tumkur, 561208
Gauribidanur to Madhugiri , Madhugiri, 561208
Gudibanda to Bagepalli, Tumkur, 561209
Agri Land
2.25 acre/s
Posted: 21-Dec-2022
Posted on 21-Dec-2022
Currently coconut tree plantation is going on
Not Applicable
Pollachi , Pollachi , Coimbatore, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu
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